Blejska koča v Lipanci je planinska koča II. kategorije.
Koča v jedilnici nudi 18 sedežev in v spodnjem klubskem prostoru dodatnih 25 sedežev. V zunanjem delu je na klopeh ob mizah 120 sedišč. V prvem nadstropju koče se nahajata dve sobi s skupni ležišči s 34 posteljami (24+10), ter dve sobi s tremi in štirimi posteljami. Z dodatno namestitvijo 12 blazin je možno prenočiti do 53 oseb. Skupni toaletni prostori se nahajajo v kleti, tuširanje ni možno. Za obiskovalce so na voljo razni napitki in jedi na žlico ter klobase. Za dodatne informacije pokličite neposredno v kočo na številko 051 621- 021 ali pišite na elektronski naslov: blejska.koca@gmail.com
Blejska koča is a 2nd category cottage.
The cabin in the dining room offers 18 seats and in the lower club room an additional 25 seats. In the outer part there are 120 seats on the bench at the tables. On the first floor of the cabin there are two common beds with 34 beds (24+10) and two rooms with three and four beds. With the addition of 12 pillows, up to 53 people can stay overnight. Shared toilets are located in the basement, shower is not possible. Various beverages and dishes are served. For more information, please contact, Nr: 00 386 51 621021 or e-mail: blejska.koca@gmail.com